Cold Stream/Sierraville Creek: 3.2015
A diversion canal from the
Little Truckee River (source
Webber Lake) moves water to Cold Stream and Sierraville Creek to irrigate
Sierra Valley alfalfa farms. Diversion is decided by the Federal Water Master. On both occasions I was in the area, water was diverted. A short distance downstream from here
Independence Creek (source
Independence Lake) joins the Little Truckee River.
Webber Lake will irrigate
Sierra Valley alfalfa farms while
Independence Lake will feed the
Little Truckee River/
Stampede Reservoir/
Boca Reservoir/
Truckee River watershed bringing fresh drinking water to the Truckee Meadows, Fernley via the Derby Dam Diversion and Pyramid Lake.
Diversion channel with water coming from Little Truckee River/Webber Lake.
Diversion channel water heading to Sierra Valley.
Water diverted from
Webber Lake and the
Little Truckee River arrives in Sierraville on the way to
Sierra Valley alfalfa farms.
VIDEO: Diversion ditch to Cold Stream/Sierraville Creek along Highway 89.
Petition: Stop the Export of Billions of Gallons of California's Water to Asia.